Brainbridge Workforce Solutions, one of the market leaders in providing innovative Workforce & IT solutions, has moved to a new ATS, Bullhorn. Together with HRLinkIT, Solid Online realized the transition. HRlinkIT provided the proper setup of the Bullhorn environment and Solid Online ensured a smooth data migration from the old ATS to Bullhorn.
For the move to Bullhorn , tens of thousands of records had to be migrated. To ensure that the data migration went perfectly, we started with an extensive preliminary process in which the wishes of Brainbridge were mapped out. Based on that, a CSV export was prepared and a test migration was done, after which the data were put into Bullhorn via the API. By now Brainbridge has been working successfully for several weeks in Bullhorn, where all data can be found in the right place.
Martine Verhave
Product Expert
Solid Online
Ellen Luckx
Recruitment Manager
Brainbridge was founded in 1998 as a small independent company but with a great vision: "to be the market leader in providing innovative Workforce & IT solutions". Brainbridge has since grown into a strong and reliable partner in the field of IT consultants, Vendor Management and Contract Management. The combined use of both permanent employees and freelancers is one of the biggest challenges of our time. Brainbridge allows organizations to flourish by offering solutions to these types of staffing challenges.
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