Noël Franklin, Belgian specialist in recruitment and selection, has chosen the Solid Online Connector to exchange the data of placements, employers, contacts and candidates between OTYS and TimeChimp. Virtually all the information needed for a new placement is transferred from OTYS to Timechimp and back with the link. The linkage has eliminated Noël Franklin so much manual work.
TimeChimp - With the time registration tool from TimeChimp you can control your time registration, leave and overtime, project management and much more. This way you always have a grip on your organization.

How does the link between OTYS and TimeChimp work for Noël Franklin?
From OTYS data of placements, employers, contacts and candidates are retrieved through webhooks. The user in OTYS is therefore responsible himself to offer the data to the link. This can be done with 2 special action buttons added in OTYS. Solid Online offers the possibility to expand the number of linked operating companies. Noël Franklin has 2 operating companies and the data is transferred from OTYS to two different TimeChimp environments.
From both TimeChimp environments data of changed placements, contacts and candidates are retrieved and transferred to OTYS.
The Connector link eliminates the need to manually transfer data from Otys to TimeChimp. Virtually all information required for a new placement is transferred to the correct TimeChimp environment with the link. Only a few manual (control) actions are required to have the project finally ready in Timechimp. Then everything is ready and the candidate can start booking his or her hours on the project he or she is assigned to. The candidate can also make changes to TimeChimp which are then sent back to OTYS.

Jaco Hogewoning
Solid Online

Louise Vansteenbrugge
HR Payroll Consultant
Nöel Franklin
Noël Franklin is a specialist in recruitment and selection. The company aims for precision and quality. Don't expect quick one-shots from Noël Franklin , but rather a smart hit with long-term impact. Noël Franklin has specialized teams to look after the interests of their candidates and clients. For example, the organization consists of Franklin Engineering, - Construction, - Finance, - IT, - Office, - Technics and Executive search. Each team consists of Franklins (read: recruiters who work at Noël Franklin) with deep expertise within their field.
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