Charlie works is a European staffing agency with a strong team spirit. They help their clients find additional labor capacity and suggest improvements. To continue to meet the demand of their clients, Charlie works switched early this year to Mysolution. Solid Online implemented an Hours Transformer application for Charlie works for the hours processing process.
For a group of 25 hirers of Charlie works , this is now a completely automated process. First time right without any user intervention. Realized hours from Transformer go directly into the payroll and billing engine of Mysolution.
Going live Jan. 1:
customer implementation went steadily and more hours were processed each month
As a basis, the Solid Online Hours Transformer reads in the required data of customers, candidates and placements from Mysolution . On the other hand, hirers send various hours and claim file formats.
In the Transformer , the hours are then grouped, checked and enriched with the required Mysolution information. Once the hours have gone through the workflow, the Transformer for Mysolution creates the required SETU timecard.
During the project, the consultants translated the business requirements into the one-off setup. Complex unraveling was also applied such as converting clock times and applying the correct collective bargaining agreement rules.
Because Transformer automatically processes the customers' time files and sends them to Mysolution, Charlie works no longer has to manually book or process the hours for these customers. This acceleration in the hour processing brings Charlie works thus directly also an acceleration in the payroll, an improvement for both Charlie works, its customers and their temporary workers!
Also after this project, Solid Online and Charlie works together will continue to improve continuously. In the next phase we will look at further optimizations, not only for time processing but also for self-billing processes.
The Solid Online Hours Transformer receives, imports and unravels the hours of clients from Charlie works and sends them
to Mysolution

Félicienne Minnaar
Project Manager
Solid Online

Caroline Witzier
Manager of Business Support
Charlie works
Don't worry, be happy, we got you. This motto conveys what Charlie works stands for: making work a little easier and more fun for everyone. Charie works is convinced that having a job contributes to happiness. The employment agency is the connector that unburdens its clients by connecting motivated employees to them. Charlie works helps clients with a flawless work process. They do this by offering extra labor capacity and suggesting improvements. In addition, Charlie works gives advice and offers permanent support to get the most out of the cooperation. Charlie works broadcasts in various sectors, such as logistics, agri, and food. They recruit employees from all over Europe from their offices in the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary, and broadcast in the Netherlands and Poland. Charlie is personal, innovative, reliable, competent, flexible and fun. The employment agency has one goal: to make it easier to find work and employees.
Is your company also in need of smooth hours processing?
We would be happy to tell you what Solid Online can do for your business!