Trend People made the move last year to the front office software of Carerix. The condition was that the new front office could be linked to their existing back office Easyflex. The Solid Online Connector was the right solution for this. Solid Online has a partnership with both Carerix and Easyflex through which Trend People could be directly connected to the Connector for the link between Carerix and Easyflex.
We spoke to Anette Huisman and Sandra Langelaar, both regional managers at Trend People, and asked them how they experienced the innovation. Sandra: "Previously we only worked with one system, Easyflex. We used this system as back office and front office. But we needed more front office functionality and so we ended up with Carerix." Anette: "For us it was very important that we could keep Easyflex as our back office for, among other things, creating contracts and paying the flex workers. Because we were used to doing everything in one system, it was essential that all data would go to Easyflex without fuss, so we wouldn't have to retype."
The Solid Online Connector ensures fast and error-free data transfer between the two systems so that the data in each package is current at all times. The employees of Trend People notice nothing of the intermediate Connector. Anette: "From Carerix our employees prepare the data and with the push of a button they are forwarded to Easyflex. Very occasionally, for example, a placement does not come through properly, but in that case we are always immediately well assisted by Solid Online's support department."
What exactly does the link do?
Data of candidates, clients and contact persons are entered by Trend in Carerix. When a placement is realized, this data is automatically transferred via Connector to Easyflex. The placement is also created via this integration in Easyflex, where the payroll data and pay period data of a flex worker are immediately added. Information on the status of the data transfer is fed back to the user in Carerix, allowing the employee to see at a glance whether the data has been successfully transferred to Easyflex, when the data was last synchronized or what action is still required to successfully transfer the data to the back office. Data that is later modified or enriched in Carerix is automatically updated within minutes in Easyflex.
Martine Verhave
Senior consultant Solid Online
"Trend People has been using the link between Carerix and Easyflex for several months now for the exchange of placement, candidate, client and contact data. During the implementation process I got to know Sandra Langelaar and Anette Huisman of Trend People as friendly and hardworking ladies, with heart for the business. They constantly kept the business process of Trend People in the back of their minds when making decisions. Ladies, thank you for your efforts!"Sandra Langelaar and Anette Huisman
Regional managers Trend People
"We are very satisfied with the Solid Online Connector between Carerix and Easyflex. It gives us the benefits of the extensive front office functionalities of Carerix, and the familiar back office features of Easyflex without having to transfer data manually. For the future, we see more possibilities with the Connector. The outbound route from Carerix to Easyflex is now virtually complete. For the return route from Easyflex to Carerix we already have some topics in mind, so that soon it will no longer be necessary to log in separately for this at Easyflex. For example, think of debtor monitoring using tasks or keeping track of the phase system."Trend People is an involved, accessible and recognizable temporary employment agency that offers various forms of services: temporary employment, secondment, recruitment & selection and payrolling. Trend People is active within the office, healthcare, logistics and technical sectors. The company always focuses on quick and professional mediation with quality as the starting point. With personal attention and genuine interest in both candidates and employers, Trend People manages to make the most successful match time and time again.
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